Today is my first day back from my mini vacation.
Over the weekend I flew up to run the Virginia Beach 1/2 marathon with my big bro.
(I hate to fly but love taking pictures from the clouds)
This was our 3rd (and final?) time running this particular race since he is moving away.
2010 was the first time either of us had ever attempted to even run a 1/2 marathon, now we feel like old pros.
The mutual bitching of having to run and train
as well as the accomplishment of actually completing the race - I think- has brought us closer together.
And while I'm a little sad this was our last VA Beach 1/2 marathon
I am also happy to be done with that hot-ass-summertime- deadly- heat- event!
We agreed that the next race we decide to tackle will need to either be shorter...
or held during the cooler months.
This last race was the most humid of them all.
Sweat was flinging off of bodies left and right. It was down right funky.
(I, of course wasn't funky - I don't sweat, or smell- ever)
My time sucked - which is no surprise - because of the heat and lack of training and all.
But the best news of all is that for once, my stomach didn't absolutely kill me like it has on long runs in the past. I think I owe it to my new semi-gluten free diet.
And this year's medal is pretty bad ass- my favorite of them all.
My vacation also included spending some QT with my nephew Dylan- who is the most perfect little man ever.
As well as my Thunder buddy.