Sunday, April 11, 2010

She never came in first place, but she never was last...


Race Day

Mile 1: Trying my best not to care about the 300 people passing me

Mile 2+: See the leaders passing me on the other side and thinking “WTF?!”

Mile 3: Had a small – short lived spurt of energy

Mile 4: Still plugging along

Mile 5: Hate running. Hate runners. Hate life.

Mile 6: Worst cramp in the world thinking “how long is a 10k?”

Finished: 1 hour and 3 minutes thinking, “I can’t wait to do a half marathon!”

Although I was very happy for completing the race and completing my goal, I ended up feeling really, really sick to my stomach afterwards. I went home and slept for 2 hours.

 I need to figure out a better eating plan before a run.

Overall I placed 445/632. I had 65 year old women (that’s right PLURAL- woMEN) beat me. But overall I am pretty pleased with my results. I actually ran faster than I ever had on a treadmill (long distance that is) and I ran the furthest I’ve ever had as well. If anything- this race has really pumped me up into becoming a REAL runner.

(abbie insisted I had to get my picture taken in front of this statue)
(abbie placed 150/632)

In a tragic turn of events

Mr. Blue Dog suffered a traumatic brain injury today

2 suspects have been taken into custody.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Blue Dog.


  1. Great job on your first 10k! Running races is addictive!!! :-)

  2. You did it!! You are totally amaze-balls and an inspiration!

  3. Congratulations!!! (Saw your comment after mine on 20sb!) I finished in 1:01:54, so we're in good shape for half-marathons! Lol! Are you training for one in particular?

  4. Oh and can I just say that I LOVE your blog!
