Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Jen!

Today is the birthday 
of my very best friend

We met through our sorority 
 10 years ago 

And she has been my best friend

drinking buddy

dancing partner

arch rival

(ok only when it comes to sports)

and sister ever since

Happy Birthday!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Double Digits

Did you hear?
I ran 10 miles yesterday

That's right- double digits baby!

Occupants of my household agree

this feat has launched me into Alpha status

I am SO ready for this race
except mother nature might have other plans...

To be continued...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Crimes of Fashion

I am a fashion nightmare
I catch onto trends just as they are exiting style magazines
"I guess leggings aren't THAT bad..."

So I think with my 30th birthday I should start dressing like
a classy, business woman

Instead of a poor 29 year old
who buys all of her clothes from target
and pulls them from the (clean) laundry basket
in the 11th hour of getting ready for work
so there is no time to iron them
or realize they have shrunk/faded/worn out 

The only problem is

I do no understand fashion
at all
For example 
here is some fashion advice from Women's Health Magazine 
(Sept issue)

In this example, they suggest using a scarf as a shirt
Am I the only person that would get fired for wearing a scarf as a shirt to work?
This is the dumbest advice ever.
Nobody would do this- right? 
would you tie it in a knot in the back and have it poke your jacket?
do you use safety pins?
stupid stupid stupid

Here's another:

Although not as stupid as the last example
who would tie their dress ah-la 80s style
and wear it as a shirt?
Nobody... right?

So I'm reaching out to the blog world for some help

I follow THIS BLOG
I love her sense of style
she is trendy but not outrageous trendy
she just looks pulled together all the time

Anybody have any good tips or blogs out there for me?


Monday, August 23, 2010

The first man that I loved

I know that my blogging has been pretty weak lately
but it's the summa time
and I've been a busy girl

This weekend my dad came down to see me
and brought my niece and nephew

My niece and nephew are 10 years old and are the most chill, laid back kids I have ever met.
which is great
because I was a maniac

I always want people to come and visit Abbie and I 
but when they do
I tend to freak out making sure everyone is happy
well fed
(like any good host)
but I think I get so worked up that I sometimes forget to enjoy the time being spent

Saturday I about had a melt down because I couldn't think of stuff for us to do
so I went for a run
and came back with a kick ass day of activities
that involved 
a boat, seafood and the beach.

It ended up being the perfect day.
complete with dolphins and (double) rainbows

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

NY is everything they say ... No place I'd rather be

Hello Bloggers and Bloggettes!
Just got back from New York visiting Abbie and his family

Our weekend consisted of


(I hate that I look like a boy here)


Goofing off

Playing Pool

 Running and Bike Riding

I haven't rode a bike since I was a kid. I was embarrassing wobbly. 
I loved it though and really want to buy a bike of my own now.

We didn't run as far as we should have (to train for the 1/2 marathon)
I have about 2 weeks to really step up my workout before the big day.
I'm getting really anxious about this run. 
I know that I can finish the race. 
I am more concerned that it is going to hurt like hell. 
I would really wanted to feel great both during and after the race.
Not so sure that can happen at this point.
My training has really fallen by the wayside.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Working Girl

Yesterday everyone had professional head shots done at work.
Bunkie has been an employee for over a year now
naturally she had to get hers done too


Monday, August 9, 2010

I ate the last mango in Paris

because I'm a rules girl
I decided to follow my own rule to
buy something new at the farmers market

This weekend I bought
Mango Jam
I thought I bought Mango Chutney but picked up the wrong jar

 and I added it to my shrimp, brown rice and roasted broccoli anyway


So happy I tried it.

Today's Eats:

  • bfast- Ezekiel english muffins, egg white, Horizons cheese slice, 2 coffees
  • Snack- mary's crackers and hummus
  • Lunch- salad: 1/2 cuke, 1 tomato, Key Lime honey mustard dressing, cashews and craisins
  • Snack- Odwalla bar
  • Dinner- above
  • Veggies- 4
  • Workout- TBD

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mary Moon she's a vegetarian

I've taken the plunge
I've decided to no longer eat meat
nothing that had legs
(fish and eggs are still a part of my diet)

I've been considering making this move for some time now but wasn't sure if I could commit. 
How could I give up Chic- fil- a?
Or Steak?
Or bacon?
What would I do at a BBQ? Do I want to be the one that requests a veggie burger?
What about Thanksgiving?
What if I post this and 3 days from now I break down and eat a pepperoni pizza?
How do I explain to my family who eats meat, and knows me to eat meat - that I no longer want to?

I wanted to blog about this internal struggle I've been having, but there is a lot of judgement that comes along with this decision.
In fact, I've already had my first snarky comment
"But you eat fish? What, you don't care about fish? How to do draw the line?"

Eventually I came to the conclusion that I can't care what other people think.
I made this decision for me, for animals and for my health.
and I've never felt better.

It actually has not been hard. I quickly realized that the meat I love the most are the kinds that are the worst for me: McDonald's burgers, chic-fil-a fried nuggets, Chicken Bryan, so this helps keep me on the healthy track.  I've also survived my very first dinner party as a vegetarian- where steak (my fav) was served.

So. there it is. My new change.

I feel like I've made such great strides in becoming healthier and this is definitely one of the big ones.

So if there are any other vegetarians out there that have any advice for me I would love to hear what you have to say!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm a cheerleader for foolishness

If you've wondered why I've been MIA 
here's your answer...

Tomorrow I will be back in full force
ready to talk about my newest "healthy triumph" 
Here's a hint- it is something that I've been wanting to do for a really long time
but was too scared to post.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

8 mile

This is what 8 mile looks like

This is what 8 miles looks like:

boom! THAT just happened.