Friday, January 28, 2011

Toast to the good life

Today I joined Toastmasters

It has been on my personal goal of mine for about 3 years now
and I've decided this was the year to do it.

I don't have any real reason for joining Toastmasters
It's not like I have a job that requires me to give speeches or anything.
I guess I just hope that one day this would be beneficial.

I swear sometimes my life is like a Mad Lib.

Feel free to play along:

  • Adjective
  • Noun
  • Plural Noun
  • Noun
  • Color
  • Famous Person
  • Verb

The (adjective) girl decided to join Toast Masters so that she can give speeches about (noun) to her fellow (plural noun). This class allowed her to tell people about (noun) without her face turning a deep shade of (color). People as important as (famous person) will be in the audience and they will (verb) with glee for the inspiration she has brought to them.

I dedicate this blog to Charlie Sheens PR person. God bless him- he has to be the hardest working man in America.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Such a Life

It sounds morbid.
But last week I watched a special on Michael Douglas and his battle with cancer. 
Everyday since, I've woken up thinking
I am going to die.

I even thought about hanging something on my wall to remind me of this-
so that I am sure to make the most of this day.
we are all going to die.
(unless you are a Cullen)

For whatever reason- this has been working for me. Lately I've been loving life and having fun.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

the dirty 30

sorry I've been MIA
being out of the office for a week can really put you behind

so where was I?

On our vacation
I also turned 30

which I thought I would hate
but everyone has told me that their 30s were the best years of their lives.
And why wouldn't it be?
Isn't 30 the "adult" age where you all the sudden have savings and family and a successful career?

I can't wait for all of that!

Our morning started off with a blizzard
winds brought the temp to -24

so after considerable time cozying up to the fire
and some beers
we decided to journey out and hiked up a mountain in our snow shows.
what. a. workout.
(sorry no pictures)

Then we went sledding- which I hadn't done since I was about 5 years old.
I don't understand why more adults don't sled
It is so much fun!

For dinner we got lost and ended up at 

the place was adorable

They use all local foods and feature one local farmer a week.
I was in luck because the featured food when we were there was 
maple syrup!

I had the cheese plate to start
(because you cannot go to VT without eating cheese!)

Followed by acorn squash with maple syrup

and I'm really sad I didn't take a picture of the dessert that had porridge, maple syrup, ice cream and candied pecans.
It was quite possibly the best thing I have ever tasted.

Abbie bought me a beautiful necklace

It was a great birthday overall.



and adult. ha.

(abbie got me this jacket to replace the one that I had stolen on our last vacation)

Monday, January 10, 2011

A magical Christmas

So I am really late,
But I wanted to do a quick recap of my Christmas
because it was awesome

Not only did I cross off a good portion of my 
but I received a ton of great gifts
(this is a picture of 3 aprons I received- somebody wants my ass in the kitchen!)

Went to see the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall

and watched an AMAZING magic show put on by 
the one
the only....
(blogger sucks)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

You're as Cold as Ice

So I've taught you that

Now I'm here to tell you that
Vermont is COLD

After Christmas we beat out the NY blizzard on our way to VT.
We stayed at 
our very first bed and breakfast

The place was absolutely adorable.

We had the duck room.

As vegetarian I feel like I was a traitor with so many stuffed animals around
but we both really wanted and outdoorsy-ish place to stay

while we loved the lodge- being at a B&B is a little strange
A little like being at someone's house 
and having to watch what you say and do.

Vermont itself was very pretty (but snow has a way of doing that to places) with some of the most friendliest people you'll ever meet.

And it's also home to Ben & Jerry's

(btw- taking these pictures were the most interesting/fun part of the tour)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Let's Squash

I made an awesome dinner last night.
Just thought I would share:

(thanks for the cookbook mom!)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Guess who's back? Back again?

Being the good blogger I am, I decided not to post the fact that I was going on vacation. We left on the 23rd and got back yesterday.

Abbie and I had an amazing vacation...
but as Dorothy would say

There's no place like home

Instead of trying to cram my vacation into one blog post- I'll stretch it out instead.

Beginning with another item being removed from the Bucket List

Last week I went snow skiing for the first time.

Being a Florida girl
the only skiing I know is of the water variety
(I was on the water ski team in college)
I thought maybe those skills would come in handy for snow skiing
but it didn't
let it be known-
skiing is H.A.R.D!

You wouldn't think this with all the 5 year olds whizzing by you- but don't let those fearless bastards fool you. Skiing kicked my ass.

I started out with Abbie teaching me on a side hill. 

For whatever reason they don't think you should use poles your first time around so I wasn't given any. Thing is- (unless you are 3ft tall)- it is nearly impossible to get up from a fall without poles. 
For me this was the hardest part. It was absolutely exhausting trying to get up on my own, in deep snow, with a pair of skis strapped to my feet.

After an hour of "making a pizza" I met up with the beginners group Abbie signed me up for.  
I was the oldest one in the 4 person group - by 20 years.

Once I got over the fact that I was the only non-parent on the bunny hill, I went to work.

In the end I finally started getting the hang of it.
stopped falling
and began to zig zag a bit.

Abbie is an amazing skier so we'll probably be doing this again. He was incredibly supportive even after I begged and begged to just let me sit in the lodge and drink hot chocolate instead.
(god bless him and his patience)