Sunday, April 29, 2012

on to the next one

This weekend I picked up Miss Bunkie from the vets
She had surgery on her second leg

I feel like we are almost there
and I can finally have my dog back!

Before picking her up my mom checked out this shabby chic show
It made me wish I were more creative...

Time to hit up Michaels.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Many Faces of Bunkie

She's Sassy
She's Funky
She's Bunkie

and she's visiting her 2nd favorite person in the world...
her grandmother
who will be taking her to get her other leg operated on

then we can finally be done with all the stress
and bills
and be on our way to long walks again

Thursday, April 19, 2012

cha cha cha changes

All work and no play
 made Ashley an unhappy B word

found a new one
(in the real estate biz)
gave up my side job
and started enjoying life

I feel like me again

I was very unhappy at my last job
but when you start dreading working on Monday - when it is Friday night...

there is a problem.

And when you completely loose your marbles 
(aka sob like a baby)
because your boyfriend can go to the pool on the weekend
and you are stuck doing side work

there is a problem.

Many people pushed me to stay where I was
to work it out
and that things will get better 6 months from now
but I knew
like I knew like I knew
that this was not the job for me
and I need to trust my gut more often
and stop asking for so much advice
especially when I just wanted someone to tell me 
what I wanted to hear anyway.

Cheers to more change!